Civic Centre, Old Market, Nailsworth, Glos, GL6 0DU. Tel:  01453 833592

Clerk to Council:  Katherine Kearns   email
Deputy Clerk: email
Office Assistant: email
Venue bookings: email



Nailsworth Town Council

Nailsworth Town Council works to maintain, develop and enhance the Town's unique character. Please use this site to find out about your Councillors, Council Meetings, Council Responsibilities and Activities.

Room and Hall Hire

Nailsworth Town council manage bookings for the Town Hall, the Mortimer Room, the Arkell Centre and KGV football pitch. 
If you wish to book any of these, please contact the Town council office for further details and guidance. 
To book tennis courts at KGV, please visit the 'Tennis' page of this website.

Nailsworth Remembers

Nailsworth will be remembering the D-Day landings on Thursday 4th June with a full day of events.

Starting at 8am in the Mortimer Gardens, Nailsworth’s Town Crier will give the national ‘cry’ which will be read out at the same time across the whole country.

At 9am, Town Mayor, Cllr Peter Bodkin, and Nailsworth Royal British Legion will pay their respects on behalf of the town, by laying wreaths at the Clocktower and Church Street war memorials.

From 10am till 4pm tea and coffee will be served in the Mortimer Room (next to the library). The room will hold a display of the historic D-Day landings and its significance for the country. The Civic Centre window display shows how the D-Day landings touched Nailsworth town, with details of two local men who were part of the Normandy landings; Private Ivor Hellier of Park Road, and Private James Boulton whose family lived in Burma Road, Nailsworth.

Nailsworth Primary School will mark the historic day by reading poems at a private event for parents and governors.

From 6pm, everyone is welcome to bring their own fish and chips to an evening picnic in Mortimer Gardens. Fish and chips hold a special significance for the commemoration, being one of the few foods which weren’t rationed during WWII.

Finally, at 9.15pm, the International Tribute will be read by Nailsworth’s Poet Laureate, Pip Heywood, and a red lantern symbolising peace will be lit. The Union Flag will be lowered to end the commemorations.

Nailsworth's Poet Laureate

Pip Heywood has been crowned Nailsworth’s second Poet Laureate after wowing Nailsworth Town Council’s judges with his work.

The Poet Laureate competition encouraged local people to express themselves through poetry while showcasing their talents. The culmination of this competition was to find a local poet to hold the honorary title of Nailsworth Poet Laureate for two years. Throughout the term the Poet Laureate will work alongside Nailsworth Town Council and within the community to develop opportunities to help make poetry part of the life of the town.

Pip Heywood impressed the judges with his exceptional writing skills and ability to convey powerful emotions and local history through poetry.  You can read the winning entry here.

The competition provided a wonderful opportunity for poets to express their views creatively. Budding and established poets were equally welcomed to enter. Nailsworth Town Council would like to thank everyone for taking part this year.

Pip will succeed Mark Corcoran, who in 2022 was appointed the first Poet Laureate at Nailsworth Festival of Words.

Precept for 2024 – 2025

Nailsworth Town Council has an expected annual expenditure of £483,626 for 2024-2025 of which the precept makes up £434,776. The rest of the income comes from community room hire charges. In 2023-2024 NTC also successfully applied for just over £32,000 in grant funding.

In 2023-2024, NTC faced two challenges; the cost of living crisis and uncertainty over high rises in the utilities charges, services, materials and supplies. With unpredictable rising costs, NTC took the decision to keep the precept lower for residents by using £18,500 from reserves to support Homestart (family support at the Arkell Centre), a Community Development Worker and essential tree work. Without this, the precept would have been £380,135.

The challenges for 2024-2025 are similar, with building repair and maintenance costs rising further. NTC’s buildings are very well used by community groups and small businesses, and to keep them safe, the council needs to increase their maintenance. An additional role – part time Project Officer – means that this work can be done more quickly.

Extra funds have been requested for structural work to the Town Hall, and to remove the old wooden pavilion at KGV playing field. This will be replaced with a purpose-built grounds maintenance store. NTC will also apply for grant funding and use earmarked reserves for this work.

Nailsworth Town Council continues to spend around 18% of the annual budget to support the community through services such as the Youth Club, library, family support and community development.

What is the precept?

The precept is the council tax that Stroud District Council collects on behalf of Nailsworth Town Council. Unlike county and district Councils, town and parish councils do not receive any direct funding from central government. The precept is a very important part of the town councils income. Nailsworth also gets income from grants and hiring out community rooms.

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Your new Town Councillors

Nailsworth Town Council will have a new council in May, with 5 existing cllrs and 3 new cllrs taking up public office. As there have been fewer nominations than cllr positions, this means all 8 candidates for Nailsworth Town Council are elected unopposed. 

This will leave 3 vacant positions to fill, and the new council will be seeking Nailsworth residents to step up and serve their community, bringing the council up to full strength with 11 members.

For more details on town and parish council elections, and the upcoming District council elections, please see Stroud District Council’s website. 

Contact details of the 8 councillors taking office can be found here

Here is the Notice of Uncontested Election

Nailsworth-notice-of-uncontested-election 2024.jpg

Make a difference as a Town Councillor

Nailsworth Town Council has three vacancies to fill and are keen to find people to join the council.

The Town Council enjoys working together with residents and many of the town’s community groups to make a big difference to the town. The Council is looking for people with the enthusiasm and skills to become a councillor and to help Nailsworth continue to be a wonderful place to live.

Residents living in Nailsworth parish and interested in becoming a town councillor can speak to the Town Clerk on 01453 833 592 or email clerk(at) for an application form. Closing date: 1st July.

Applications will be decided at the Council meeting on Tuesday 16th July.


Upcoming Meetings

Current and Recent Agendas

Slow down for a smile!

Jan 21 2021 P1210015 1.jpgThe Town Council has had two Speed Indicator Device Signs installed. One of these is near Egypt Mill, on the A46 and one on Nympsfield Road towards the Youth Club. NTC has been working with the Police and Crime Commissioner and Gloucestershire County Council to obtain and fit the SIDS.

The signs give you a happy smile if you are driving with the speed limit, and frown if you are not. The signs also store data, so that speed statistics can be analysed over time.

Showcasing Nailsworth

The award winning Silver band provided the sound track to Nailsworth Town Council’s Annual Town Meeting which took place on the 20th April 2024, with nearly thirty groups and clubs represented in the Town Square (bus station). Nailsworth's Mayor, Cllr Mike Kelly, presented community awards to a host of 'Nailsworth Heroes - people who have gone and above and beyond for the community. As well as being a chance to meet and talk to people across the town, this annual meeting is a chance to meet the Mayor, Cllr Mike Kelly, and other councillors and find out how your town council has been working for you. On the day, a new Poet Laureate was also crowned, Pip Haywood for his poem called "Days Mill".

The 2024 award winners: The Festival Arts Award - Louis Nicholas. The Chamberlain Sporting Award - Harry Ash. Youth Award - Ruby Ward. Platinum Jubilee Shield - Community Cafe Volunteers.

A special award was presented to a group of volunteers who keep our town litter free. Nailsworth is very fortunate to have a volunteer team of litter pickers, or as we like to think of them ‘Wombles’, keeping all areas of our beautiful town clean and tidy. We wish to acknowledge our gratitude to these people who work so hard for the town and the community.

Their leader John Williams received the Town Award last year, and this year we are proud to  give a new Community award to the following members of his Wombling team:
Caron Oatley, Lawrence Duybery, Diane Cafon, Catherine Mitchell and David Perrett.

Photo below shows Deputy Mayor, Shelley Rider, award winner Louis Nicolas, Mayor Mike Kelly with his guide dog Nicky, and award winner Ruby Ward. 

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Road works and closures in Nailsworth

One network's website provides an up to date map of all road works locally. From their live map you can find specific information regarding closures and diversions, details of traffic management and contact details of the responsible contractor.  


If you are unable to find the information you require about the road closures and works planned locally further information can be gathered from GCC highways. 

Please email highways(at) or call 08000 514 514.