Your Councillors


Nailsworth Town Council has 11 Councillors. In the 2024 elections there were 8 nominations for 11 seats, so the election was uncontested and all 8 nominees became councillors.

There are no wards for the Town Council so each councillor represents the whole of Nailsworth.

All councillors have the responsibility to attend meetings when summoned. The notice to attend a council meeting (agenda) is in law a summons, because councillors have a duty to attend. If a councillors fails to attend a meeting for six months they are automatically disqualified unless the council has given special dispensation for absence for example if a councillor is ill.

From the links on the right you can find out more about what a councillor's responsibilities are and how to become a councillor.

Cllr Peter Bodkin


Peter Bodkin.jpgI have lived in Nailsworth since 2010. Following a career in school leadership, I continue to maintain my interest in education, currently serving as a school governor and acting as a consultant assisting schools with leadership appointments.

Nailsworth is a special place with its array of community groups, volunteers, independent retailers and a wide range of events and amenities. However, there are always challenges to be met and new opportunities to be explored.

I was initially co-opted on to the Council in 2023. Having been re-elected in 2024, I hope to continue to use my experience and skills to help address the challenges and to make a positive contribution to the continuing evolution of Nailsworth for the benefit of all its community.

Contact Peter

Telephone: 01453 833592

8 / 8 Meetings Attended 2023-24: 100%
(Co-opted August 2023)

Cllr Ros Mulhall

Deputy Mayor and Chair of Rec & Am Committee

Ros Mulhall 150x200.jpg

I have lived in Nailsworth for 34 years and brought up my 3 children here. Until Sept 2017 I was a GP Partner at Prices Mill Surgery, with special interests in Women's Health and Dementia. I fully retired from Medical practice in May 2021. I have been a Nailsworth Town Councillor for 3 years.

Over the past few years, I have had more time to walk the many paths around Nailsworth with my dog, deepening my appreciation of our beautiful surroundings and enabling me to talk and connect with people in the town.

As a GP I know first hand and how important it is for everyone to feel involved and included in their local community, especially the Elderly, People with Dementia, and those with Disabilities, to avoid isolation and improve Health and Wellbeing.

I hope to be an approachable and familiar face, representing all residents, both young and old. I hope to influence changes and improvements in the town that will impact peoples health, and try to encourage inclusion and accessibility so all can take advantage of what Nailsworth has to offer as it continues to grow and thrive.

Contact Ros

Telephone: 07967 176630

8 / 12 Meetings Attended 2023-2024: 67%

Cllr Phil Sullivan 

Phil Sullivan 2024.jpg

 I have spent my working life as a public servant in Policing, the Community Safety Service at Stroud District Council and as  Community Safety Consultant.

 I believe in helping people whenever and wherever I can, and I volunteer with the following charities;

 Nailsworth Dementia Action Alliance, Gloucestershire Dementia Action Alliance, Nailsworth Youth Club, Gloucestershire Older Peoples Association, Gloucestershire County Neighbourhood Watch Association, Gloucestershire County Hate Crime and Incident Group and Coram Life Education Gloucestershire.

My wife and I have lived in Nailsworth for 24 years and my willingness to help, plus the  experience I have gained will help me to serve the community of our lovely town.

Contact Phil


Elected April 2024

Cllr Julian Dennis

Julian Dennis 2024.jpgI am a scientist and a retired company director. I was a non-executive director at University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust and also Visiting Professor of Water Science and Engineering at the University of Bath. I have an interest in environmental protection, health and sustainability and the links between them that support a healthy community.

I was first appointed to the Town Council in 2015, before standing down in 2017. I’m looking forward to supporting the Town Council once again with its work on behalf of our community. 

Contact Julian


Elected April 2024 

Cllr Shelley Rider

Chair of Environment Committee

Shelley RiderI’m Shelley one of your town councillors’. I've  lived in Nailsworth for 18 years and it really feels like home.  I work as a Breakthrough mentor working with people with complex needs on benefits, housing, training and education and social inclusion. I spend a lot of time supporting people access the community and working towards independence.  I play the saxophone and write poetry so am interested in cultural life in the area. I am very interested in bringing the community together to deal with current challenges and hope that everyone can find a voice on the Town Council.

I hope to represent you as best I can and would like to influence a few key areas such as climate change, housing and jobs. I look forward to putting your ideas and voice forward so do contact me if you need to.  

Contact Shelley

Telephone: 07812 028023

11 / 12 Meetings Attended 2023-2024: 92%

Tyler White.jpgCllr Tyler White

My family has lived in the Nailsworth area for 100 years and more so I have quite a connection to the town and I hope to engage myself with the community in an active way.

I have experience in shopkeeping as I ran a small shop with my dad in Dursley, I also have conservation and land management skills which I have picked up from my time with Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust.

I hope to focus on environmental issues as well as keeping Nailsworth well maintained and looking great.

Contact Tyler


Elected April 2024

Cllr Paul Francis  

Paul_Francis.jpgI have lived in Nailsworth for 20+ years and worked at Ruskin Mill for 8 years. In my time here I have noticed many changes to the town. 

My aims are always to improve Nailsworth amenities and services for the residents of Nailsworth.

Contact Paul

Telephone: 07976 564996

9 / 12 Meetings Attended 2023-2024: 75%

Cllr Steve Robinson


Steve was born and brought up in Nailsworth.  During his working life and in his retirement, he has spent almost 60 years working with, and for young people in the town.  Steve is currently Chair of Nailsworth Youth Club Management Committee,

Steve has been a town councillor since 2007 and was Mayor for 3 years.  In May 2024 he was re-elected for a fourth term on Stroud District Council.  He is currently Leader of the Labour Group at Stroud.  Steve is also a county Councillor for the Nailsworth Division, which includes Nailsworth and four other parishes.

Steve is known for being a strong campaigner on local issues and he prides himself on being approachable and following up residents’ concerns. 

Contact Steve


Telephone: 01453 834270

9 / 12 Meetings Attended 2023-2024: 75%


