
Council Meetings.

Council business is now voted on at Full Council meetings but may have been discussed at committee meetings. Members of the public are welcome to attend any Council Meeting.
Meetings are held on the first and third Tuesdays of each month, with the first meeting in the month being a Full Council (Planning) meeting, followed by a Committee (Recreation and Amenities or Environment) meeting. Decisions taken at Committee meetings are then presented to the next Full Council meeting (third Tuesday of the month) to be discussed and ratified by Full Council. Committees meet on alternate months and items for discussion are allocated to either Recreation and Amenities or Environment.
Council has agreed a number of Working Parties, a list of these will be put on the website later. Working Parties have an agreed purpose, remit and outcome and may also comprise non-councillors. Recommendations by Working Parties will only be agreed at a Full Council meeting.
The second meeting in each month will be a full council meeting that will take reports from District and County Councillors. Planning is discussed as the first Agenda item.
Meetings normally take place at 6.30pm, with 15 minutes available for Public Questions at the start of the Full Council Monthly Meetings. Residents are welcome to attend all Council and Committee meetings except for confidential discussions.
The latest agenda is available from the link on the left. Minutes are approved at the next meeting and will appear linked at the right after approval.
All minutes are 
available on the Minutes & Agendas page.

Council Meetings

This calendar details all the forthcoming meetings of the council and council committees.

This week's meetings

There are no meetings this week


Monthly calendar of all meetings

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